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Jeff Eckert is a father of three grown children that he coached for 1,000 games in baseball, softball, and basketball. His avocation is officiating high school varsity basketball for the last 18 years and 8 years of high school volleyball. He worked over 5,000 games and is blessed to have been selected to work 10 division 4A, 5A, and 6A postseason high school basketball and volleyball tournaments so far.


As a “dad coach” and official, Jeff has seen the best and worst sportsmanship. This is why he is sharing his memories and insights in these books and trying to influence a more positive arc in sportsmanship with adults and trying to reach the next generation of athletes before it's too late.

Book Contributors


Back row (L to R): Chris Wolsleger, Chuck Floyd, Jack Messer, Jeff Gottstein


Front row (L to R): Dick O’Leary, Jeff Eckert, Linda Weber, Jim Clark


Not pictured: Lee Whitman, David Blackhurst, Dan Woicke

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